বঙ্গবন্ধু আন্তর্জাতিক সম্মেলন কেন্দ্রে ঢুকতেই ধাক্কা। হল অব ফেমের বদলে মূল মঞ্চ এর প্রবেশপথে। আর দর্শকদের জন্য বসার ব্যবস্থা করা হয়েছে গাড়ি রাখার জায়গাটায়।শামিয়ানা আর বিজ্ঞাপনের ব্যানারে ঢাকা পুরো এলাকার সাজসজ্জাই অন্য রকম।
বাংলাদেশ তৈরি পোশাক প্রস্তুত ও রপ্তানিকারক সমিতির (বিজিএমইএ) বার্ষিক আয়োজনে অনুষ্ঠিত হলো ‘বাটেক্সপো নাইট-২০১০’। ২৫ নভেম্বর ছিল এর উদ্বোধনী।
শুরুতেই মঞ্চের পেছন থেকে ভেসে এল অচেনা কণ্ঠস্বর। ঘোষণা দিলেন মঞ্চে আসবেন সংগীতশিল্পী মোনালি ঠাকুর। উপস্থাপিকার নাম তখনো অজানা। মোনালি শুরু করলেন রেস সিনেমার গান ‘জারা জারা টাচ মি’। এরপর আরও নানা জনপ্রিয় গান। ফাঁকে ফাঁকে শ্রোতা-দর্শকদের সঙ্গে বাংলায় নিজের অনুভূতিও ভাগাভাগি করে নিলেন কলকাতার এই মেয়ে। গাইলেন বাংলা গান।
উপস্থাপিকা শ্বেতা তিওয়ারি মঞ্চে ডাকলেন ‘ইয়া আলি’খ্যাত গায়ক জুবিন গার্গ। শুরু করলেন এ গানটি দিয়েই। বাংলা হিন্দি মিলিয়ে আরও বেশ কয়েকটি গান গেয়ে মঞ্চ থেকে নামলেন।
এরপর এলেন নাচ বালিয়েখ্যাত জুটি আমির-সানজিদা। নানা গানের সঙ্গে দুর্দান্ত নাচে দর্শক ততক্ষণে মন্ত্রমুগ্ধ। কৃষ্ণার সঙ্গে নাচলেন বলিউডের আইটেম গার্ল কাশ্মীরা শাহ। মানব-শ্বেতা জুটিও নাচলেন। আলো-আঁধারির খেলায় বঙ্গবন্ধু আন্তর্জাতিক সম্মেলন কেন্দ্রে তখন অন্য পরিবেশ।
এই নাচ-গানের চমকটা ছিল যে আয়োজনকে কেন্দ্র করে, তা ফ্যাশন শো। বাংলাদেশে তৈরি পোশাকগুলো তুলে ধরাই ছিল বাটেক্সপো নাইটের মূল উদ্দেশ্য। লাল, কালো ও সাদা—তিনটি রঙে নানা রকম পোশাক পরে মঞ্চে হাঁটেন মডেলরা। শুরুটা করে ফারদিন ও রুমা। তাঁদের মনোমুগ্ধকর পরিবেশনার পর মঞ্চে হাঁটলেন অন্যান্য মডেল। লুনার কোরিওগ্রাফিতে ফ্যাশন শোতে অংশ নেন টুম্পা, রুহি, মৌসহ অনেকে। পোশাকের সঙ্গে চোখ ধাঁধানো সব গয়না সরবরাহ করেছে ডায়মন্ড ওয়ার্ল্ড।
ক্রেতাদের মন কাড়তে এই আয়োজন পুরোপুরি সফল, তার প্রমাণও মিলেছে। দুই দিনের এই আয়োজনের পর বিজিএমইএ পেয়েছে ৫৬ কোটি টাকার পোশাকের ফরমায়েশ।
ঝলমলে এ আয়োজনে ছিল রুশ অ্যাক্রোব্যাট দলের চমৎকার পরিবেশনা।
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Shahrukh Khan to vote for Sundarban
Shahrukh to vote for Sundarbans
His casting will be broadcasted on private TV channel Boishakhi TV, said chairman of Antar Showbiz Swapan Chowdhury at a press conference organised jointly by Ontor Showbiz and Boishakhi TV at a city hotel.
Khan known as 'King Khan' is scheduled to arrive in Dhaka on December 9, 2010. The show will be staged on December 10 and the megastar will go back the following day.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Bangladeshi Bridal Jewellery
The Bangladeshi Bridal Jewellery listings are updating here on daily basis, get the latest Bangladeshi Bridal Jewellery along with the latest pictures of Bollywood actresses, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi and a lot of other from India, Pakistan, UK and USA. Also find detail of latest film released.
Wedding is an important facet of the lives of people around the world. Bride and Groom both are the important persons on weddings but the preparation for brides for their weddings is famous in the world everywhere. And if we talk about the jewellery, a bride is incomplete without jewellery; it is an essential item of her bridal attire. Brides spend huge amounts of money on the bridal dress, bridal makeup and when it comes to jewellery it is no exception. Brides don't hesitate to spend on jewellery for their special day as they want to look perfect which is not possible without jewellery.
Moreover, they know that by spending money on jewellery they are adding to their assets and it will be their personal wealth. Bridal jewellery consists of jewellery sets made in gold including the necklaces, bangles, anklets and earrings. Some brides also prefer to have the bridal jewellery set with diamonds and other precious stones. Bridal jewellery is considered to be a security that will protect the bride in times of need.
The brides are adorned with heavy jewellery from head to toe. The lovely bindis, necklaces, nose rings, earrings, rings, bangles, panjas, armlets, waistbands, anklets and toe rings are the articles of Bangladeshi jewellery used on weddings. Modern brides however like to have light and sophisticated jewellery that goes with their outfit and adds a sparkle to their apparel. Bangladeshi brides like to have a red dress on their wedding day and the jewellery sets they select usually have red colored rubies with gold setting. Kundan jewellery is also preferred by many brides as it has a very traditional look and is perfect choice for the wedding jewellery. Girls also like to have the beautiful meenakari jewellery on their wedding. Nowadays grooms of Bangladesh like to present Diamond ring to their brides in their engagement.
Moreover, they know that by spending money on jewellery they are adding to their assets and it will be their personal wealth. Bridal jewellery consists of jewellery sets made in gold including the necklaces, bangles, anklets and earrings. Some brides also prefer to have the bridal jewellery set with diamonds and other precious stones. Bridal jewellery is considered to be a security that will protect the bride in times of need.
The brides are adorned with heavy jewellery from head to toe. The lovely bindis, necklaces, nose rings, earrings, rings, bangles, panjas, armlets, waistbands, anklets and toe rings are the articles of Bangladeshi jewellery used on weddings. Modern brides however like to have light and sophisticated jewellery that goes with their outfit and adds a sparkle to their apparel. Bangladeshi brides like to have a red dress on their wedding day and the jewellery sets they select usually have red colored rubies with gold setting. Kundan jewellery is also preferred by many brides as it has a very traditional look and is perfect choice for the wedding jewellery. Girls also like to have the beautiful meenakari jewellery on their wedding. Nowadays grooms of Bangladesh like to present Diamond ring to their brides in their engagement.
Top three 'Indian Idol 5' contestants performed in Dhaka

A concert featuring the top three contestants of "Indian Idol 5" has been held in Dhaka on 1st November, 2010 at the Hall of Fame, Bangabandhu International Conference Centre. Featuring (above, left to right) Sreeram Chandra, Bhoomi Trivedi and Rakesh Maini, Mirror Media and Production Ltd has organised the event. The main sponsor of the event was Diamond World. |
Adriana Lima dons $2M bra

The princess has arrived! Adriana Lima, who may be poised to take over for Heidi Klum as "head angel," makes a royal arrival at the launch event.
Click through to see this angel's many angles.
diamonds has sold for a record-breaking $46 million (£29m)

One of the world's rarest diamonds has sold for a record-breaking $46 million (£29m), the highest price ever paid for a jewel.
The 24.78-carat "fancy intense pink" diamond was sold to a well-known British dealer at an auction in Geneva.Bidding at the Sotheby's auction was said to be fierce, and the sale surpassed expectations.
Last sold by a New York jeweller 60 years ago, the gem has been kept in a private collection ever since.
The diamond had been expected to command at least £625,000 per carat.
The previous record for a jewel at auction was set by a blue 35.56 carat diamond which sold for £15.2m at auction in 2008.
"This is the highest price ever bid for a jewel at auction," said David Bennett, the head of Sotheby's jewellery division, as the auction room in Geneva's luxury Beau Rivage hotel broke into applause.
It was bought by top diamond trader Laurence Graff, who bid by telephone, Sotheby's said.
'Alluring sparkle' The auction house said it sold jewels worth a total of £66m - a world record for a single sale.
Continue reading the main story
Congrats Aung San Suu Kyi

Heartfelt congratulations from Diamond World to
Aung San Suu Kyi,
The daughter of Democracy in Myanmar. Her escape
from 15 years jail will show Myanmar an illuminated
path to democracy. Bravo Suu Kyi. Bangladesh is with
History of the Black Pearl Necklace

Royal families have loved pearls for years. The Egyptians, Romans, and Arabians have all prized pearls over all other gems in their history. Egyptian love for decorative pearls were in effect since 4200 B.C. Pearls were a pivotal role in an important documented dinner between Cleopatra and Marc Anthony.
Black pearls are currently very costly because they are now of high demand as jewellery. The black pearl necklace is available in both cultured black pearl and natural black pearl. Cultured black pearls are a little more expensive because it requires more labor on these pearls. They are assisted by expert pearl farmers. Where natural pearls are obtained straight from their host shell.
Generally the color of a pearl is the same color of the shell. The color of the pearl corresponds with the point of the shell at which it was formed. There are several theories on the coloration of a pearl. Once upon a time dew was considered a reason for pearl coloration. Fair weather formed white pearls and cloudy weather formed dark or black pearls. People then began to believe that color was influenced from water depth. In deep water they were white and in shallow water where sunlight could penetrate, dark pearls were formed. It then advanced to the belief that location was the reason for dark pearls. In waters with dark mud dark, pearls formed.
Online shopping in Bangladesh
What is fashion?

Fashion is a style or look of hair, clothing and accessories, that is very popular among many people. Also, a fashion can be a popular thing from the past, kind of like an 80's retro style Fashion is art, but is more important than art since we wear it. Fashion can be expressed in many different ways, from dresses to accessories, and shows your own unique personality.
Visit Diamond World for your diamond jewelery in Dhaka.
Visit Munshigi for your online shopping in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh eyes global diamond market

Bangladesh has the potential to grab a significant market share of the global diamond industry as the country has cheap labour and a large pool of jewellery artisans, both essential for the diamond cutting industry , said Mr. Dilip Kumar Agarwal, Managing Director of Diamond World Ltd.
Bangladesh approved an international agreement in 2005 that regulates trade in rough diamond exports in a bid to emerge as a new player in the lucrative labour-intensive industry.
‘We’re confident that joining the scheme will make Bangladesh a player in the diamond cutting business since Bangladesh offers the cheapest labour,’ said Sufiya Begum, a deputy director of the Export Promotion Bureau.
Sufiya said Brilliant Diamond, a private company, had already set up a diamond cutting and polishing operation and was waiting for approval for export.
‘We expect more industries to follow as Bangladesh offers opportunities similar to that of India, which is the leader in cut diamond exports,’ she added.
‘This year, our target is to export diamonds worth $50 million,’ said Anwar Hussain, chairman of Brilliant Diamond.
India is the world’s biggest cut and polished diamond exporter, which earned $11.2 billion from this segment last year, according to the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) of India.
The international agreement is aimed at preventing the sale of so-called conflict diamonds that are sold to finance wars, particularly in West Africa. It was agreed in the South African town of Kimberley in November 2002 and came into effect in August 2003.
Diamond World is here for your every needs for Diamond Jewellery in Bangladesh.
Wanna send a gift to Bangladesh? Just Click here
UN Decision to celebrate 21st February from now on

UN has decided to celebrate 21st February as "International Mother Language Day"from coming year.Ekushey February is no more only Baneshgladi event. It is now an global event. We salute all the Language Martires on this occasion. Thanks for all from Diamond World www.diamondworldltd.com who contributed to make it happen.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Bharat Diamond Bourse launched
Biggest Diamond Market Launched in Mumbai called Bharat Diamond Bourse.
The Bourse Complex is spread over an area of 20 Acres / 0.87 Million sq. ft. land. The total constructed area is 2 million sq. ft. with two basements of additional 1 million sq. ft.
There are 8 Towers of 9 Floors. The Bourse houses 2,500 diamond offices of various sizes.
An area of 184,427 sq.ft. on the ground floor is for Services.
Details given below :
Banks | 102,493 sq. ft. |
Restaurants | 25,600 sq. ft. |
Other Services | 56,334 sq. ft. |
Customs : The Complex is having a Custom’s with an area of 12,000 sq. ft. and Clearing Agents area of 6750sq.ft.
Trading Hall : The Complex is having a Trading Hall of 6,200 sq. ft..
Strong Room : There are 3 Strong rooms.
Diamond World Ltd. (www.diamondworldltd.com) welcome the launching of Bharat Diamond Bourse.
Diamond World is the biggest Diamond Shop in Bangladesh.
Wanna online shopping in Bangladesh? Click here
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Gold in Egypt 3000 BC
In the ancient world gold was the preferred metal for making jewellery. It was rare, did not tarnish and best of all it was malleable, so it could be worked fairly easily.
Magnificent bracelets, pendants, necklaces, rings, armlets, earrings, diadems, head ornaments, pectoral ornaments and collars of gold were all produced in ancient Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs.Excavations by Howard Carter in 1922 led to the great discovery of Tutankhamun's (known as Feraun to Muslims) tomb and many gold funerary artifacts, all showing the art work of ancient Egypt.
Left - Gold funeral mask of King Tutankhamun.
Bharat Diamond Bourse launched
Biggest Diamond Market Launched in Mumbai called Bharat Diamond Bourse.
The Bourse Complex is spread over an area of 20 Acres / 0.87 Million sq. ft. land. The total constructed area is 2 million sq. ft. with two basements of additional 1 million sq. ft.
There are 8 Towers of 9 Floors. The Bourse houses 2,500 diamond offices of various sizes.
An area of 184,427 sq.ft. on the ground floor is for Services.
Details given below :
Banks | 102,493 sq. ft. |
Restaurants | 25,600 sq. ft. |
Other Services | 56,334 sq. ft. |
Customs : The Complex is having a Custom’s with an area of 12,000 sq. ft. and Clearing Agents area of 6750sq.ft.
Trading Hall : The Complex is having a Trading Hall of 6,200 sq. ft..
Strong Room : There are 3 Strong rooms.
Diamond World Ltd. (www.diamondworldltd.com) welcome the launching of Bharat Diamond Bourse.
Diamond World is the biggest Diamond Shop in Bangladesh.
Wanna online shopping in Bangladesh? Click here
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Hi, This is Kosak here to present a blog dedicated to Fashion & Jewellery industry of Bangladesh.
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